Why Does a Pastor Need a Spiritual Director?

Pastors and those in ministry spend so much of their time thinking about the spiritual lives of others. There are very few places they are able to be honest about their own spiritual life. Spiritual direction is a confidential relationship where you can unpack and process your experience of God, faith, and life in ministry.

  • It may be that your relationship with God feels steady, and you want to incorporate a rhythm that continues to nurture it.

  • It may be that God feels distant and your spiritual life feels dry, and you need to explore what’s happening.

  • It may be that you are experiencing doubts, but have no place to name them.

  • It may be that you are angry with God, but can’t share that from the pulpit.

  • It may be that you are wondering if it’s time to leave your position, and need someone to walk with you through discernment.

These are all reasons spiritual direction is incredibly valuable to those in ministry. In fact, we believe that everyone in ministry should see a spiritual director.

What Is Spiritual Direction?

Spiritual direction is an intentional space for you to explore your faith and experience of God more deeply. A spiritual director helps another pay attention to what God is doing in and around them.

The director’s role is not to tell the directee what God is saying, nor to instruct the directee as to how to respond. Instead, the director creates space for the directee to continue to become aware of God’s presence and action in his or her life.

The director does not set the agenda or arrive with a topic to discuss. Instead, the directee brings what he or she wants to talk about. Because faith is interwoven into all aspects of life, you are welcome to bring anything in your life to spiritual direction. We will seek to explore what you bring in terms of how it intersects your experience of God and your inner life.

Interested in learning more about how spiritual direction can support you in your ministry?

“I wish I had discovered spiritual direction earlier in my life. My monthly meetings with Julianne have sparked a deeper, more alive relationship with God.
Her presence and gentle questions have helped me to pay attention to the presence of God in a new way.
She acts as a sort of witness and midwife to the work of God in my life.
It would not be an exaggeration to say this has been life-changing for me.”
— Elizabeth Millar, Doctoral Student and Pastor's Wife